Did you miss our introduction to Hiragana? If so, you can go back and read it here. The consonant for this column is S, so all five members of this group will be S followed by one of the five vowels, in order. さ [SA] し [SHI] す [SU] せ [SE] そ [SO] Of note … Continue reading Introduction to Japanese Writing: Hiragana Group 3: S (さしすせそ)
Tag: writing
Introduction to Japanese Writing: Hiragana Group 2: K (かきくけこ)
Did you miss our introduction to Hiragana? If so, you can go back and read it here. Now that we’ve learned our first five kana, it’s time to move on to the next column! The consonant for this column is K, so all five members of this group will be K followed by one of … Continue reading Introduction to Japanese Writing: Hiragana Group 2: K (かきくけこ)
Introduction to Japanese Writing: Hiragana Group 1: Vowels (あいうえお)
Did you miss our introduction to Hiragana? If so, you can go back and read it here. In this lesson we will be looking at first five Hiragana characters on the Kana Chart. Going down the first column on the left-hand side, we see the following characters, in order: あ [A] い [I] う [U] … Continue reading Introduction to Japanese Writing: Hiragana Group 1: Vowels (あいうえお)
Introduction to Japanese Writing: Hiragana Basics
The Japanese written language is a fascinating thing. The first thing many people think of when they hear someone mention Japanese is Kanji—the Chinese characters that are easy to spot within most written Japanese. “Why can’t they just spell things out!” some people exclaim, sometimes pointing out how written languages have advanced since the days … Continue reading Introduction to Japanese Writing: Hiragana Basics